In addition to providing primary and specialty healthcare services such as family medicine, mental and behavioral health, dental, vision, and podiatry, and optometry services, we provide an array of programs to support your total health and wellness needs.
Our preventative care services include:
Have you scheduled your Annual Wellness Visit?
The Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) is a yearly appointment with your primary care provider (PCP) to create or update a personalized prevention plan. This plan may help prevent illness based on your current health and risk factors.
It is critically important to schedule an AWV each year to:
- Screen for diseases & health issues
- Assess risk of future medical problems
- Update your medical history & more!
During the course of your AWV, providers may discover the need to investigate or treat a new or existing problem. This additional care is considered diagnostic, meaning your provider is treating you because of certain symptoms or risk factors that may have gone unnoticed otherwise.
For additional information, please contact Call to schedule an appointment today by calling (844) 736-7629.
Your health matters to us, so we value your opinion of our customer care and service delivery.
Health disparities across the Black Belt Region are significantly higher than the state health data. RHMPI provides a variety of health care services to monitor and manage our patients with Chronic Diseases. All patients that have been diagnosed with chronic diseases are assigned Chronic Care Management Coaches that provide monthly care calls monitoring their overall wellness between regular routine medical visits. Chronic Care Management (CCM) is defined as the non-face-to-face service provided to Medicare beneficiaries who have two or more chronic conditions.
Chronic conditions consist of but are not limited to the following.
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Arthritis
- Cardiovascular Disease
- HIV/Aids
- Hypertension
- Depression
- Alzheimer’s
- Cancer
In addition to office visits and other face-to-face encounters, CCM services include communication with the patient and other treating health professionals for care coordination via telephone, medication management, healthcare assessment, preventative care, dietary/exercise management and having access to health providers and/or staff 24 hours a day. Contact a member of our Patient Care Coordinators (PCCs) to assist with eligibility and next steps to become a member of our patient Chronic Care Management network today by calling (844)-736-7629.
For additional information, please contact Call to schedule an appointment today by calling (844) 736-7629.
Change your Lifestyle. Change your Life.
RHMPI’s Change Your Lifestyle | Change Your Life program provides your very own coach to teach you how to eat healthy foods and increase your physical activity. You will be assigned to a cohort of classmates to keep you on track and support your established goals. CYL2 reduces your risk for type 2 diabetes and many other chronic conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure. The goal of the program is to help you lose 5 to 7 percent of your weight — that’s only 10 to 14 pounds for a person weighing 200 pounds — by eating healthier and being more physically active. Participation within our CYL2 Program will improve your health and cut your risk of becoming a type II diabetic in the near future.
RHMPI is currently offering CYL2 Classes in the following counties:
Dallas County
- Marengo County
- Monroe County
- Perry County
- Wilcox County
We encourage you to ask your RHMPI Provider about how you can join our free Type II Diabetes Prevention Program. A healthier you, a better outlook on your overall wellness goals.
For additional information, please contact Call to schedule an appointment today by calling (844) 736-7629.
Give yourself a fighting chance.
RHMPI offers the Alabama Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (ABCCEDP), which provides free breast and cervical cancer screenings for women who meet eligibility guidelines. Free services include a pelvic exam, pap smear, clinical breast exam, mammogram, and diagnostic services such as an ultrasound, colposcopy, or biopsy, if needed. Most uninsured or underinsured women between ages 40 to 64 with an income at or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines may qualify for the program. We offer the ABCCEDP program across our eight (8) convenient locations.
For additional information, please contact Call to schedule an appointment today by calling (844) 736-7629.
Ready to quit? We can help!
Our Smoking Cessation Program provides medications to help patients quit smoking, but it doesn’t end there. We can also help you find Behavioral Health Counseling, and we regularly follow up with you to help you quit successfully. Patients who are 65 years and older are typically on several medications.
For additional information, please contact Call to schedule an appointment today by calling (844) 736-7629.
We all need vaccines throughout our lives to help protect against serious diseases.
Every year, tens of thousands of Americans get sick from diseases that could be prevented by vaccines – some people are hospitalized, some even die.
Our immunizations program is not limited to children. Protection from some childhood vaccines can wear off over time and some are targeted specifically for the protection of adults. Vaccines are recommended for children, teens, and adults based on different factors like age, health conditions, lifestyle, jobs, and travel. CDC and other medical experts update vaccine recommendations every year based on the latest research and science.
Vaccination is a critical step in protecting those that are most vulnerable to illness – infants and young children, the elderly, and those with chronic conditions and weakened immune systems. For that reason, most coverages including private insurance plans, Medicare, and Medicaid must cover certain vaccines without charging a copayment or coinsurance provided specific stipulations.
For more information call to schedule an appointment with one of our patient care coordinators or visit our website for the latest patient education materials.
For additional information, please contact Call to schedule an appointment today by calling (844) 736-7629.
Let us check on you!
Our providers are committed to continuing care through our Care Check Program. A virtual check-in is a 5 to 10-minute communication by one of our Providers or other qualified healthcare professionals to follow up within 24 hours in advance of or after a patient visit. This service is provided to current patients only, who enrolled in our individualized healthcare monitoring program.
For additional information, please contact Call to schedule an appointment today by calling (844) 736-7629.
Our children within our communities need to be healthy to reach their full potential.
Access to healthcare is vital. To stay healthy, children need to have regular checkups, vision and dental care, and get medical attention if they get sick or injured. Our dedicated team of Board-Certified Providers developed a systematic approach in developing comprehensive primary and preventative care services for all children in the local school systems to benefit from. Instead of parents having to leave work to pick up a sick child and take them to a doctor’s office, we can do an onsite check-up with parental consent. This reduces parents’ time away from work and with a quick diagnosis, helps decrease the transfer of sicknesses to other students and enables students to miss fewer days from school. Our program is a low-cost, convenient, and comprehensive healthcare program for children under age 19. Benefits can include regular checkups and immunizations, sick child doctor visits, prescriptions, vision and dental care, hospitalization, mental health and substance abuse services, and much more.
- Comprehensive Physicals/Wellness Exams
- Sick Visits
- Sports Physicals
- Immunizations
- Mental Health Counseling
- Periodic Youth Risk Assessments
- Nutrition Counseling/Weight Monitoring
- Management of Chronic Diseases
- Developmental Screenings
- Dental and Vision Screenings
The lack of quality and access in children’s mental health services is no longer a question, but a growing concern. In a report by the Institute of Medicine, “Preventing Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Among Young People: Progress and Possibilities,” it is estimated that each year 14% and 20% for children and adolescents experience a mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder. Despite this documented need for care, it is estimated that 70% of children with a diagnosable mental illness do not receive treatment.
Within the United States, there is a shortage of child and adolescent mental health care. The disproportionate shortage across Alabama’s Black Belt is even more significant and can be considered a crisis. RHMPI is committed to breaking the stigma for future generations and has been diligently working with local school systems to launch school-based telemedicine and telepsychiatric health programs in public schools through partnerships with Perry County Schools and Sumter County Schools.
For additional information, please contact Call to schedule an appointment today by calling (844) 736-7629.
Together we can keep employees healthy and on the job.
The purpose for creating corporate partnership opportunities is to develop strategic alliances to increase visibility of the Rural Health Medical Program, Incorporated (RHMPI). It is our goal on an annual basis to showcase our efforts to deliver quality and affordable health care across the Black Belt Region. Our mission is to improve the availability of health and wellness services to residents of our service area, by leading the efforts to eliminate the challenges of receiving quality, affordable health care. Our vision is to create a seamless system of access to quality healthcare and social services to all residents within our service area.
Our community outreach chat and chew sessions have been instrumental in explaining the benefits that are afforded to employees as a result of our corporate partnership agreements. Being able to provide wrap around services makes it easier to access primary and preventative care, which means employees are more likely to stay healthy and experience fewer sick days.
Group discounted office visit copay opportunities will be provided under our corporate and community partner agreements that enroll 25 or more eligible employees. This discount program applies only to office visit co-pays for participating employees and their dependents, who are covered under the employer provided primary healthcare insurance and partnership agreement. Any and all coinsurance/cost share amounts remain the patient’s responsibility.
To qualify, all applicable city and county community partners are required to submit a completed Employee Verification Form, along with copies of insurance cards, picture identification, and proof of income for RHMPI’s compliance with Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) guidelines.
Please be advised that all uninsured patients must present proof of income, household size, and picture identification to be considered for RHMPI sliding fee scale discount program in accordance to HRSA guidelines in comparison to the Federal Poverty Level. Copay waiver does apply to uninsured patients enrolled in RHMPI sliding fee scale program since discounts are already included in such plans.
For additional information, please contact Call to schedule an appointment today by calling (844) 736-7629.
For additional information, please contact Call to schedule an appointment today by calling (844) 736-7629.